It all begins at the Y! Our youth sports program offers a variety of sports such as our very own basketball and volleyball as well as flag football, soccer, and others. Our sports are open to all ages, skill levels, and abilities! The YMCA sports program is non-competitive and focuses on teamwork, sportsmanship, and technique.
Y Youth Sports encourage and promote healthy kids, families, and communities by placing a priority on family involvement, healthy competition rather than rivalry, the value of participation over winning, team-building as well as individual development, a positive self-image, and a sense of fair play and mutual respect for others. Parents are encouraged to be more than mere spectators, by contributing their time as volunteer coaches - as well as being their kid's greatest fan.
Every game starts with a Youth Sports Pledge and ends with a handshake. Every child will participate in every game and receive equal playing time, regardless of skill level. Our season runs for 8 games and offers one, 60-minute practice on multiple days and times to work around your schedule. We offer Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons with tournaments and clinics in off-seasons. Sign up today at your local branch!
Watch every game from anywhere in the mobile app or web app, so you never miss a moment of the action. Share with family & friends and create your own replay and highlights video.Click the Live Stream button above.
Youth Sports Flyer
Youth Sports Game Schedules
Youth Sports Game Information
Basketball Rules
Soccer Rules
Volleyball Rules
Flag Football Rules
Coach Handbook
Parent Handbook
Volunteer Coach's Training link
Background Verification Release Form. *All coaches must complete and return the VERIFY FORM to Anthony.Noga@elpasoymca.org
Monday - Thursday5:00 am. - 8:00 pm.
Friday5:00 am. - 7:00 pm.
Saturday8:00 am. - 4:00 pm.